Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon
Lynne B. Sagalyn
Times Square Revisited: Urban Planning and Urban Design
Herbert Sturz, Alexander Cooper, Hugh Hardy, Lynne B. Sagalyn, Carl Weisbrod, Carol Willis, Lance Jay Brown
Performative Skyscraper: Tall Building Design Now
Scott Johnson
The Empire State Building: the Making of a Landmark
John Tauranac
Supreme City: How Jazz Age Manhattan Gave Birth to Modern America
Donald L. Miller
Fighting Westway: Environmental Law, Citizen Activism, and the Regulatory War That Transformed New York City
William W. Buzbee
Scenes From the City: Filmmaking in New York City
James Sanders
Fluid New York: Cosmopolitan Urbanism and the Green Imagination
May Joseph
The Nature of Urban Design: A New York Perspective on Resilience
Alexandros Washburn
A Country of Cities: A Manifesto For An Urban America
Vishaan Chakrabarti
Habitats: Private Lives in the Big City
Constance Rosenblum
Skyscrapers: A History of the World’s Most Extraordinary Buildings
Judith Dupré
The Logic of Luxury
Carol Willis
Mirror, Mirror… Who is the Slenderest of them All?
Vishaan Chakrabarti, Gregg Pasquarelli, Silvian Marcus, Michael Stern, Carol Willis