The Dakota: A History of the World’s Best-Known Apartment Building
Andrew Alpern
New York City Landmarks
Jake Rajs, Francis Morrone
Saving Place: 50 Years of New York City Landmarks
Andrew S. Dolkart
Seeking New York: the Stories Behind the Historic Architecture of Manhattan– One Building at a Time
Thomas Miller
Boak & Paris / Boak & Raad: New York Architects
Annice M. Alt
A City for Children: Women, Architecture, and the Charitable Landscapes of Oakland, 1850-1950
Marta Gutman
Making a Living, Making a Life
Daniel Rose
The Liar’s Ball: the Extraordinary Saga of How One Building Broke the World’s Toughest Tycoons
Vicky Ward
Times Square at a Tipping Point?
Kent Barwick, Claire Fellman, Bruce S. Fowle, Lynne B. Sagalyn, Paul Whalen
Pedestrian Modern: Shopping and American Architecture, 1925-1956
David Smiley
Chow Tai Fook Centre in Guangzhou
Forth Bagley
Supertall: Reshaping Our Vertical Habitat
David Malott
Chris Wilkinson: Four Towers on Four Continents
Chris Wilkinson
Modern Man: the Life of Le Corbusier, Architect of Tomorrow
Anthony Flint, Anthony Filnt