Fluid New York: Cosmopolitan Urbanism and the Green Imagination
May Joseph
The Agile City
James S. Russell
Green Giants 2010
Carol Willis, Adrian Smith, Gordon Gill, Rohit Aggarwala, Anthony E. Malkin
Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are the Keys To Sustainability
David Owen
Greening the Glass Box: Preserving Midtown Modernism
Nina Rappaport, Carl Galioto, Hormoz Houshman, Laurie Kerr
New Verizons
Douglas Mass, Richard A. Cook, Frank Frankini, Dan Shannon, Douglas Winshall
Mixed Greens: Designing the Green Skyscraper
Ken Yeang
Mixed Greens: Archi-Neering
Helmut Jahn
Mixed Greens: Environmental Contextualism: Strategies for a Dynamic Sustainable Architecture
Ross Wimer
Mixed Greens: The Sustainable Works of Foster + Partners
Brandon Haw
Mixed Greens: Zero-Energy Tower, Guangzhou
Roger Frechette, Russell Gilchrist
Green Ground Zero: Guidelines for Downtown and Beyond
Hillary Brown, Randolph Croxton, Daniel Nall, Mahadev Raman
One Bryant Park: Cook+Fox Go Platinum
Richard A. Cook, Robert F. Fox
The NY Times Building: Accomplishing Transparency… Living with Light
Hussain Ali-Khan, Jan Berman, Susan Brady, David Cooper, Rocco Giannetti, Pekka Hakkarainen, Glenn Hughes