Where in the World?
In this reimagined game of skyscraper trivia using our SUPERTALL! 2020 lineup, children and families can explore supertall buildings and skyscraper cities around the world!
Click here for an interactive chart of supertall skyscrapers!

How to play:
Although you can play the Supertall Challenge alone, it’s fun to gather a team and test your knowledge and search skills competing against other players. You can partner with friends and family virtually too! Have one player devise trivia tests based on our SUPERTALL! 2020 exhibition. Be creative! They can choose specific supertall buildings or skyscraper cities. Some sample questions include:
Ex 1: I am the world's tallest completed building.
Where am I?
How many stories am I?
What kind of spaces do I have?
Who designed me?
Ex 2: We are skyscrapers with more than 120 stories.
What are our names?
Where are we located?
Ex 3: I am the city with the most Supertalls of any city in the world.
What city am I?
Ex 4: We are supertalls in New York City.
Who is the tallest?
Which roof is the highest?
What parts do we measure to set my height?
When was I completed?
Ex 5: I was built before 2000.
Who can I be?
Where was I built?
Other players will browse through our Supertall website to learn about various supertall buildings and skyscraper cities around the world to answer the trivia questions.
The following graphics show how to use our SUPERTALL! 2020 lineup and map! Use the LINEUP to scroll through 58 towers to compare them by height and to learn more about each one by clicking on the silhouette.

Use the MAPS to learn more about supertalls by their regions, countries, and cities.
Players can take part individually or form teams. They will have a maximum of 30 minutes to answer all questions posed by the directing player. After discovering these supertall skyscrapers and cities, you can make a simple postcard of what you learned and send it to friends and/or family from the location!

Enlarge Your World! Take a virtual vacation and explore global Supertalls!
Why not take a virtual vacation and explore the world from the comfort of your home? Using our SUPERTALL! 2020 lineup and Google Earth, pick one or more cities to visit and enjoy a free, immersive experience.

Then, search for Google Earth on your device. Watch as you zoom into that location!

Image from Google Earth.
Create an itinerary to explore all buildings at that location using the projects feature and take a digital tour on Google Earth.
As you travel to each structure, zoom in closer on aerial view and street view to take an in-depth look at the buildings’ designs and forms. Some questions to consider when observing these magnificent structures include:
- How is it oriented and how does light throughout the day impact how the buildings look?
- Is the environment full of other skyscrapers and how do they relate to the one you are looking at?
- Is there surrounding green space and is it close to a body of water?
- Is it located near a busy thoroughfare?

Images from Google Earth.
Learn more about the supertalls through our lineup descriptions!

After you finish sightseeing, share your trip with a friend! Make a personalized postcard using an index card or construction paper. Color your design on the front and write a message on the back describing what you saw and what your favorite building was. If you visited more than one location on Google Earth, which one did you like better and how did they compare to each other? You can send your postcard too if you’d like, just add a stamp or place it in a stamped envelope!