Wright and New York: The Making of America’s Architect
Anthony Alofsin
The Invention of Public Space: Designing for Inclusion in Lindsay’s New York
Mariana Mogilevich
Brooklyn: The Once and Future City
Thomas J. Campanella
Gordon Bunshaft: Building Corporate Modernism
Nicholas Adams
New York Art Deco: A Guide to Gotham’s Jazz Age Architecture
Anthony W. Robins
Power at Ground Zero: Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan
Lynne B. Sagalyn
ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER: Biography of the Building
Judith Dupré
On Creating a 4D Video Sculpture: the Lower Manhattan Shoreline through Time, Extracted from Archival Footage
Robert Bowen, Carol Willis
Partners in Design: Alfred H. Barr Jr. And Philip Johnson
Barry Bergdoll
New York City Landmarks
Jake Rajs, Francis Morrone
Seeking New York: the Stories Behind the Historic Architecture of Manhattan– One Building at a Time
Thomas Miller
Boak & Paris / Boak & Raad: New York Architects
Annice M. Alt
The Liar’s Ball: the Extraordinary Saga of How One Building Broke the World’s Toughest Tycoons
Vicky Ward
Pedestrian Modern: Shopping and American Architecture, 1925-1956
David Smiley