Welcome to Your World:
How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives

Tue, Jun 27, 2017
Book cover of Welcome to your World

Drawing on new discoveries in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, in her new book Welcome to Your World, architecture critic and historian Sarah Williams Goldhagen probes how environments profoundly shape our feelings, memories, and well-being. In this Skyscraper Seminar, conceived as a conversation with design professionals, Goldhagen will focus on issues of high-rise living and urban density. Drawing on the examples from her book, she’ll suggest how to bring new research and insights to construct a world better suited to human experience.

Sarah Williams Goldhagen

Sarah Williams Goldhagen is a writer, lecturer, and contributing editor to the Architectural Record and Art in America. Previously, she was the architecture critic at the New Republic and a lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. Her essays and criticism on the topic of the built environment have appeared in both scholarly and general-interest publications.
