The World’s Biggest Buildings

Wed, Mar 13, 2002

Just five months after their destruction on 9/11, this extraordinary program brought together Leslie E. Robertson, structural engineer of the Twin Towers, and builder John Tishman, who headed the construction management of the project. As had been planned the summer before 9/11, their joint lecture described the innovative design and unprecedented challenges of building the World Trade Center. Leslie Robertson spoke not only about the original design of the towers, but also discussed issues of the airplanes' impact and showed and commented on photographs he took at Ground Zero in the days and weeks after 9/11.

Leslie E. Robertson, Principal, Leslie E. Robertson Associates, RLLP
John L. Tishman, Chairman and CEO, Tishman Realty & Construction Corporation Co., Inc.
Moderator: Carol Willis, The Skyscraper Museum


Builder John Tishman, who headed the construction management of the project, described the innovative design and unprecedented challenges of erecting the great Twin Towers

Leslie E. Robertson, structural engineer of the Twin Towers.

Carol Willis is the founder and director of the Skyscraper Museum and a professor of Urban Studies at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning. She is also the author of Form Follows Financeand co-author of Building the Empire State with Donald Friedman.
