Architects, Developers, and Title 1

Wed, Jul 17, 2019
Cover of Washington Square South Slum Clearance Plan Under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949
University Plaza in New York. Courtesy of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners.

Architectural historian Marci Clark will draw on details of her recent dissertation on the collaboration of architect I.M. Pei and developer William Zeckendorf, Sr. and discuss their twelve-year partnership on two projects that began as Title 1 slum clearance sites, Kips Bay Towers and NYU’s University Village and Silver Towers. The high quality of design and execution of these publicly-assisted, middle-income housing complexes complicate the standard narrative of humdrum urban renewal in postwar New York. Columbia Professor Emerita of Real Estate Lynne Sagalyn will comment and moderate the Q & A.

Marci Clark

Marci M. Clark is Director of Marketing & Communications for the JDS Development Group. In 2017, she completed her doctorate at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, “I. M. Pei, William Zeckendorf, and the Architecture of Urban Renewal,” which reevaluates the practice of design and real estate in the United States through a case study of the collaboration of this architect-developer team.

Lynne B. Sagalyn

Lynne Sagalyn, who will serve as moderator for the panel, is Professor Emerita of Real Estate at Columbia Business School and author of Power at Ground Zero, Politics, Money, and the Rebuilding of Lower Manhattan (OUP, 2016). Her previous book, Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon (MIT, 2003), analyzed the fall and rise of 42nd Street and Times Square in the two decades before the millennium.
